Friday, December 19, 2008

Emily & Peter Nov 2008

Emily I had not met before the wedding day and Peter I knew from previous photographic dealings. He asked me to cover their wedding day and I must say I was thrilled to do it. I like Peter and had met his brother in another capacity and not made the connection until their wedding day. I really enjoyed covering this wedding. The ceremony and reception were held at a place in Leura in the Blue Mountains and whilst i have been to leura many many times, I had never been to this estate called the Everglades. It was a former home for a wealthy man during the war who made carpets and sold woolen blankets to the army during the war. This would have been a palatial estate during those years and still is, to me, today. It was divine. hIt was like discovering elements of a wedding thru new photographic eyes. As for Emily and Peter, what a truly lovely couple. I really appreciated them and found them to be a very easy going, no fuss couple. Emily is a graphic designer and did not want the prints of the wedding just the disc and so I was obliging. It added a small degree of pressure as I wanted the pictures to be the absolute best I can do, I always try for this outcome, but the Everglades took on a persona all of it's own. It is glorious. All the best you two, and thank you for choosing me to help make these memories special.